Success and Failure…

Having started right from beginning and not wanting to be back at the square one, thinking over to start again from beginning, I, like many others wanted to know what is it that should be done to achieve Success in what we wanted. When we start to think in this direction, one normally is over flown with lots of questions which don’t have ‘the answer’. Many a times this is the situation that one often faces. Like a person pondering for a match stick in the darkness, often gets panicked when continuous struggle to find one fails for a long time testing his patience and strength. In such situation many get depressed and end giving up what they wanted. Few continue to fight and few reach their set goal. When looked at the few who succeeded you find them fighting over the time with the darkness that shields them from the light that leads to the path of their success.

What is it that these few have chosen that made them stand successful? Nothing! It’s that people who loose by given up. Though its truth that we know, we being humans would not accept the truth for we don’t want others to see ourselves as failures because of our own mistakes. We start to search various reasons, various people whom we can blame our failure. As the others too are the same humans as we are, who would accept the blame for our failures – NONE! And here we go the chain of blames, with the obvious person being blamed across all the nations, societies, cultures and religions – ‘God’, for he is one who would accept everything with out a word.

I have addressed GOD as person, for it is none other than us. We accept our mistakes in the name of God, but not in the name we are called with. When we blame God, we are blaming ourselves. And these blames are socialized with the use of nouns like Fate and Luck. Which are the illusionist’s characters taking the fame from each of the victories we make, from each fight we lost! It’s just another way we comfort ourselves. We are also used to comfort with various other words like destiny and many others. We invented the Game of sorrows and victories. We forgot that we are all players, both the losers and gainers, making the same team with our illusionist characters playing against us. When you look in there is no game, no Goal, no opponents it’s all our illusion that we are fighting in. We make the illusionist rank of Success and Failure with the illusionists winner of the game.

All those great achievers, who succeeded in what they want to have seen this truth in the ways they can and hence are the celebrities (not those you see on the red carpets! But those you see in the lime light of fame over centuries) who fought with our illusions of fame, fate, luck and God, who gave their answers to please our illusions for our sake.

The fame they got is not what we see. It’s that we see only in respect of our illusions. When we believe that we had the victory, we are just due to see the truth – that we are still just as far as we are close. The moment we realize we would not have the pleasure of success which is guilt, proud and other forces in disguise of success. We would not have the sorrows of our loss which is also the same forces but this time as disguise. We would not let our head down for our loss, nor would we throw the head up towards sky for our victories and success. We would be the same when we succeed and when we loose. This is what makes one a celebrity. Its not the red carpet, its not the neon lights, nor were the flickering flashes of camera, nor the strands of people stretching hands for autographs, waiting for your glimpse.

And this is what I am writing for. I know there is no success and failure. It’s only what we see time as. Success is nothing but failure and failure is nothing but success, all different forms of the world we see.


chakrapani said…
hi lils .. nice start ;)
mayi know wat made u write abt this topic..
expecting a blog every day !! ;) bubye
I liked the views in last para. Success and failure are relative terms. They can't be defined.
Anonymous said…
Very good blog, emphasizing an introspective mind !

Just need to add one comment, the blog would be more captive and enthralling if the grammar is rectified. one more suggestion is to always be constant in "story telling" with respect to the "tense". Always stick to either past/present.

Good one Leela...Way to Go

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